Multi-User Laboratories

Multi-User Laboratories

O conhecimento e os avanços tecnológicos das últimas décadas trouxeram uma mudança nos procedimentos e na instrumentação necessária para a descrição e classificação das espécies. Das informações retiradas de imagens e estruturas produzidas com altíssima resolução aos estudos das relações de parentesco com base nos genes, novas e modernas técnicas fornecem evidências mais precisas sobre padrões e processos evolutivos, processos de especiação, extinção e adaptação da fauna, que são complementares às análises da morfologia dos organismos.

O MZUSP conta com laboratórios multiusuários fundamentais para incrementar a qualidade das pesquisas desenvolvidas por seus alunos e docentes. Os laboratórios são também abertos, mediante agendamento, a grupos de trabalho das unidades de pesquisa da USP, pesquisadores de outras instituições e empresas.


The Program has six laboratories of
collective use, of multiuser character, and others of specific use, destined to
the diverse specialties. All are in full operation and are available for use by
students of the Graduate Program in Systematics, Animal Taxonomy, and

Molecular Systematics Laboratory

The laboratory consists of an excellent
space designed specifically for molecular biology work. Thermocyclers are
available to perform PCR (polymerase chain reaction) reactions, besides all the
necessary infrastructure for sample preparation and analysis (pipettors,
centrifuges, electrophoresis tanks, electronic band visualization system,
scales, autoclave, water purification system, among others). The laboratory has
a senior technician who helps in the application of molecular techniques in the
research projects of program’s professors and students, as well as in the
training of students who do not yet have experience in molecular biology bench

High Performance Computer Processing Laboratory

The laboratory consists of an
air-conditioned room specifically designed to house two computer clusters for
intense analysis. The system is capable of executing the main applications for
phylogenetic reconstruction necessary for the studies developed by the
participants of our Program and is also used by professors and students of
other Programs.

Histology Laboratory

The laboratory consists of a room
specifically designated for histological preparations, equipped with a chapel
for handling volatile toxic substances, microscopes and stereomicroscopes,
infrastructure for preparing histological sections’ blocks, microtomes to
perform the sections, and equipment to perform the coloring of such sections.
It has a technician who oversees the laboratory use and helps in the
preparation of histological sections of research projects carried out by the
Program’s professors and students.

Taxidermy Laboratory

The laboratory consists of a set of four
rooms where services related to the preparation of skeletons, skins, and
taxidermized animal parts for MZUSP are provided. The laboratory has two
technicians who are responsible for carrying out all stages of the preparation
process of biological material that will be incorporated into the collections
or exhibitions of MZUSP, directly meeting the demands of students and
professors of MZUSP in the development of their teaching and research

Scanning Electron Microscopy Laboratory

The laboratory consists of the following
equipment, operated by a senior technician: LEO 440 ZEISS scanning electron
microscope, sputtering metallization equipment, critical point dryer, and
binocular stereoscopic microscope. These equipments are installed in an area of
the Museu de Zoologia of USP duly prepared to condition them, with
acclimatization system, 220 V electrical network, 3 KVA power and nobreak to
correct any energy oscillation that may compromise the equipments. The services
provided by the Electron Microscopy Laboratory aim to contribute primarily with
the research developed by students and professores of the Graduate Program in
Systematics, Animal Taxonomy, and Biodiversity, but also serves different
groups of users, researchers and their direct employees from other units of the
Universidade de São Paulo, other public and private institutions, domestic and
foreign. The services are provided according to demand, respecting the priority
order of scheduling. 

Computerized Microtomography Laboratory

resolution computerized microtomography of X-rays is a non-invasive and
non-destructive approach applied to the quantification and visualization of
two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) images of structures of living
or preserved material, with high spatial resolution. The resulting images and
data provide information on the different properties of materials through the
density variation presented by their parts. The laboratory is equipped with a
Phoenix v|tome|x m microfocus microtomograph from General Electric (GE). It
consists of one of the most versatile scanners on the market, covering a wide
range of resolutions up to 0.5 micrometers. Its versatility is also seen in the
variety of sample sizes that can be analyzed: its analysis area allows samples
up to 800 mm in size and a maximum of 50 kg. A computer and GE’s own software
are also available, which allows high precision volume measurements. The
laboratory has a senior technician who oversees the use of the equipment and
assists in obtaining and preparing the images.