Carlos Brandão
Hymenoptera Curator

(55) (11) 2065-8138
Mailing address:
04263-000 São Paulo, SP, BRASIL
Director of the Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo (MAC USP) (2016-2020). President of the Brazilian Institute of Museums (IBRAM) of the Ministry of Culture (MinC) (2015-2016). President of the IBERMUSEUS program (until December 2015). Vice-Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies of USP (2014). Productivity Fellow CNPq 1A (1984-2015). Director (2001-2005), Full Professor (from 1999) and Hymenoptera insect collection curator of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (until now). Member of the CNPC (National Council of Cultural Policies) of the Ministry of Culture (2013-2014 as substitute and full member between 2015 and 2016). Bachelor in Biological Sciences, Institute of Biosciences of the Universidade de São Paulo (1977) (CRBio 0949), Master’s degree (1980) and doctoral degree in Biological Sciences (Zoology) from IBUSP (1984). Professor at USP in 1995. Professor-supervisor for graduate programs in Entomology and Zoology, respectively, at FFCL-USP of Ribeirão Preto and the Museu de Zoologia of USP. He has coordinated and coordinates research projects, integrates journals’ editorial committees in the country and abroad and councils of cultural entities. Member of the Executive Committee of the International Council of Museums (2010-2013; 2016-2019) and President of its Brazilian Committee (2006-2010). President of the Organizing Committee of the ICOM International Conference Rio de Janeiro and organizer of the ICOM South-South Museums Dialogue, both in 2013.
Line of research
Hymenoptera systematics, evolution, and biology
Academic activities
- Hymenoptera Collection Curatorship
- Graduate degree course:
- Hymenoptera Systematics and Biodiversity (Program on Systematics, Animal Taxonomy, and Biodiversity, MZUSP)
Alunos/Pós-doutores do laboratório
Álvaro Doria dos Santos (doutorando em Sistemática, Taxonomia Animal e Biodiversidade, MZUSP)
Fabrício Severo Magalhães (apoio técnico INCT/HYMPAR/CNPq)
Gabriella Lima Chimenti (bolsista de iniciação científica FAPESP)
Kelli dos Santos Ramos (pós-doutoranda, MZUSP)
Larissa Jerez de Carvalho (bolsista técnica FAPESP)
Mônica Antunes Ulyssea (pós-doutoranda FAPESP, MZUSP)
Tamires de Oliveira Andrade (mestranda em Sistemática, Taxonomia Animal e Biodiversidade, MZUSP)
Publicações selecionadas
Silva, R.R.; Brandão, C.R.F. 2014. Ecosystem-wide morphological structure of leaf-litter ant communities along a tropical latitudinal gradient. Plos One 9: 1-11.
Sosa-Calvo, J.; Schultz, T.R.; Brandão, C.R.F.; Klingenberg, C.; Feitosa, R.M.; Rabeling, C.; Bacci, M.; Lopes, C.T.; Vasconcelos, H.L. 2013. Cyatta abscondita: Taxonomy, Evolution, and Natural History of a New Fungus-Farming Ant Genus from Brazil. Plos One 8: e80498.
Silva, R.R.; Brandão, C.R.F. 2010. Morphological patterns and community organization in leaf-litter ant assemblages. Ecological Monographs 80: 107-124.