Eliana Marques Cancello
Isoptera Curator

(55) (11) 2065-8137
Mailing address:
04263-000 São Paulo, SP, BRASIL
She has an undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences, a master’s degree in Biological Sciences (Zoology), and a doctoral degree in Sciences (Zoology) from the Universidade de São Paulo. Currently she is a professor (MS-3, level 2) at the Universidade de São Paulo, hosted by the Museu de Zoologia of USP (MZUSP), where she has been the curator of the Isoptera collection since 1986 and also of the Blattaria, Mantodea, Dermaptera, Zoraptera, Embioptera, Ensifera, Caelifera, and Phasmatodea collections since 1998. As an entomologist, she works mainly on the following topics: biology, taxonomy and termite systematics, and topics related to biodiversity. He is part of the editorial board of the ZooKeys journal, the Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, and the publications of the Museu de Zoologia of USP (Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia and Arquivos de Zoologia). Between 1998 and 2002 she was Director of the MZUSP’s Invertebrates Service and was MZUSP’s vice-director between 02/2002 and 02/2006. Accredited at MZUSP’s Graduate Degree since 2011, she was appointed by the Director of MZUSP as Head of Entomology Service from April 2014 to 2017 and again from January 2019.
Line of research
Taxonomy, Systematics, and Biology of Isoptera; patterns of distribution, diversity, and evolution of termites in the Neotropical Region.
Academic activities
- Curatorship of the Isoptera, Blattaria, Mantodea, Dermaptera, Zoraptera, Embioptera, Ensifera, Caelifera, and Phasmatodea Collection
- Graduate degree courses:
- Systematics and Biodiversity of Insects I (Program on Systematics, Animal Taxonomy, and Biodiversity, MZUSP)
- Systematics and Biology of Isoptera (Insecta) (Program in Systematics, Animal Taxonomy, and Biodiversity, MZUSP)
- Collections Curatorship in Natural History Museums (Program in Systematics, Animal Taxonomy, and Biodiversity, MZUSP)
Alunos/Pós-doutores do laboratório
Mauricio Martins da Rocha (pós-doutorando, MZUSP)
Projeto: Revisão dos gêneros Embiratermes e Ibitermes (Blattaria, Isoptera, Termitidae, Syntermitinae)
Edgar Blois Crispino (mestrando em Sistemática, Taxonomia Animal e Biodiversidade, MZUSP)
Karina da Silva Santos Lima (mestranda em Sistemática, Taxonomia Animal e Biodiversidade, MZUSP)
Amanda de Faria Santos (doutorando em Ciências Biológicas (Genética), UNESP- Jaboticabal) – coorientação
Publicações selecionadas
Rocha, M.M.; Cuezzo, C.; Constantini, J.P.; Oliveira, D.E.; Santos, R.G.; Carrijo, T.F. & Cancello, E.M. 2019. Overview of the morphology of Neotropical termite workers: history and practice. Sociobiology 66(1), 1-32. PDF
Rocha, M.M.; Castro, A.C.M.C; Cuezzo, C. & Cancello, E.M. 2017. Phylogenetic reconstruction of Syntermitinae (Isoptera, Termitidae) based on morphological and molecular data. PLOSone 12 (3): e0174366. PDF
Constantini, J.P.; Cancello, E.M. 2016. A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical termite genus Rhynchotermes (Isoptera, Termitidae, Syntermitinae). Zootaxa 4109 (5): 501–522.
Cancello, E.M.; Silva, R.R.; Vasconcellos, A.; Reis, Y.T. & Oliveira, L.C.M. 2014. Latitudinal variation in termite species richness and abundance along the Brazilian Atlantic Forest hotspot. Biotropica 46 (4): 441-450. PDF
Legendre, F.; Whiting, M.; Bordereau, C.; Cancello, E.M.; Evans, E.T. & Grandcolas, P. 2008. The phylogeny of termites (Dictyoptera: Isoptera) based on mitochondrial and nuclear markers: implications for the evolution of the worker and pseudergate castes, and foraging behaviors. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 48: 615–627. PDF