Gabriela Procópio Camacho
Hymenoptera Curator

+55 11 2065-6676
Mailing address:
04263-000 São Paulo, SP, BRASIL
The main goal of my research program is to understand the processes that generated the extraordinary diversity and morphological and ecological characteristics seen in insects, with a focus on ants. As an indispensable part of understanding biological diversity and its patterns, my research is grounded in the discovery and description of new species and taxonomic revisions. My initial research experience has provided me with a broad set of skills that allow me to conduct a line of research focused on taxonomy and evolution of insects, using different approaches, from morphology and alpha taxonomy to phylogenomics, biogeography and community ecology. All my research approaches, however, are supported by the same pillars: entomological collections, which house data of incalculable importance, and fieldwork, which provides new discoveries. For this reason, the goal of each project culminates in curating and expanding the collections. The overall goals of my research program are to understand the historical and contemporary evolutionary processes and patterns that have shaped insect diversity and distribution. In my research I strive to advance insect systematics through integrative approaches that use morphological, genomic and ecological data. As a curator at MZUSP, I work to actively expand knowledge about insect distribution through field research throughout Brazil, maintaining a collection-based research program at the Museum of Zoology.
I have a bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Uberlândia, a Master’s degree in Entomology from the Federal University of Viçosa and a PhD in Entomology from the Federal University of Paraná. I have experience as a pre-doctoral research fellow at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (Washington, D.C., USA). I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at North Carolina State University and the California Academy of Sciences, in the United States, and at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin, Germany. I am currently a research associate at the Smithsonian Institution, the California Academy of Sciences and the Museum für Naturkunde. I serve as associate editor of Check List and
Line of research
Systematics, evolutionary biology, phylogenomics and biogeography of Hymenoptera
Academic activities
Hymenoptera Collection Curatorship
Publicações selecionadas
Camacho, G.P., Branstetter, M.G., Longino, J.T., Schultz, T.R., Pie, M.R., Feitosa, R.M. (2022) UCE phylogenomics resolves major relationships among ectaheteromorph ants (Formicidae: Ectatomminae, Heteroponerinae): a new classification for the subfamilies and the description of a new genus. Insect Systematics and Diversity, v.6(1):5, p.01-20.
Feitosa, R.M. , Camacho, G.P., Silva, T.S.R., Ulysséa, M.A., Ladino, N., Oliveira, A.M., Albuquerque, E.Z., Schmidt, F.A., Ribas, C.R., Nogueira, A., Baccaro, F.B., de Queiroz, A.C.M, Dáttilo, W., Silva,R.R., Santos, J.C., Rabello, A.M., Morini, M.S.C, Quinet, Y.P., Del-Claro, K., Harada, A.Y., Carvalho, K.S., Sobrinho, T.G., Moraes, A.B., Vargas, A.B., Torezan-Silingardi, H.M., Souza, J.L.P., Marques, T., Izzo, T., Lange, D., Santos, I.A., Nahas, L., Paolucci, L., Soares, S.A., Costa-Milanez, C.B., Diehl-Fleig, E.,. Campos, R.B.F., Solar, R., Frizzo, T., DaRocha, W. Ants of Brazil: an overview based on 50 years of diversity studies. Systematics and Biodiversity.
Camacho, G.P., Loss, A.C., Fisher, B.L., Blaimer, B.B. (2021) Spatial phylogenomics of acrobat ants in Madagascar – mountains function as cradles for recent diversity and endemism. Journal of Biogeography, v. 48, p. 1706-1719.
Camacho, G.P., Franco, W., Feitosa, R.M. (2020). Additions to the taxonomy of Gnamptogenys Roger (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ectatomminae) with an updated key to the New World species. Zootaxa, v.4747, p.450-476.
Camacho, G.P., Pie, M.R., Barbeitos, M.S., Feitosa, R.M. (2019). Exploring gene tree incongruence at the origin of ants and bees (Hymenoptera). Zoologica Scripta, v.48(2), p. 215-225.
Pitts, J.P., Camacho, G.P., Gotzek, D., Mchugh, J.V., Ross, K.G. (2018). Revision of the fire ants Solenopsis saevissima species-group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, v.120(2):308-411.
Camacho, G.P., Vasconcelos, H.L. (2015) Ants of the Panga Ecological Station, a Cerrado Reserve in Central Brazil. Sociobiology, v.62, p.281-295.