Marcos Domingos Siqueira Tavares
Crustacea Curator

(55) (11) 2065-8085
Mailing address:
04263-000 São Paulo, SP, BRASIL
He has a doctoral degree in Zoology – Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris and Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris; postdoctoral research at Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris; master’s degree in Biological Sciences (Zoology) from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences from the Universidade Santa Ursula. He is currently a Professor at the University of São Paulo (Associate Professor 3). Appointed in 1995 “Correspondant du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris” and appointed in 2010 “Research Associate at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC”. He has experience in the area of Zoology, with emphasis on Systematic Carcinology, working mainly on the following themes: phylogeny, biogeography, biodiversity, and marine benthos. He was the Scientific Division Director of the Museu de Zoologia of USP from 2006 to 2009, Vice-Director of the Museu de Zoologia from 2010 to 2013 and Director from 2014 to 2017. He was a full member and Coordinator of the CNPq Zoology Advisory Committee and the National Wetlands Committee. CNPq level 1 researcher.
Line of research
Systematics, Phylogeny, Biogeography, and Diversity Patterns of Marine Bentos.
Academic activities
- Crustacean and Marine Invertebrate Collection Curatorship
- Elective undergraduate course:
- The Orders of Malacostraca (Crustacea): Comparative Morphology, Systematics, Biology (MZUSP)
- Origin and Evolution of Arthropoda (MZUSP)
- Principles of Taxonomy and Zoological Nomenclature (MZUSP)
- Graduate degree courses:
- Systematics and Biogeography of Decapoda Crustaceans (Program on Systematics, Animal Taxonomy, and Biodiversity, MZUSP)
- Historical Biogeography (Program in Systematics, Animal Taxonomy, and Biodiversity, MZUSP)
- Systematics and Evolution of Decapoda and Stomatopoda crustaceans (Program in Zoology, IB/USP)
- Marine Biology (Program in Systematics, Animal Taxonomy, and Biodiversity, MZUSP)
- Origin and Evolution of Arthropoda (Program in Systematics, Animal Taxonomy, and Biodiversity, MZUSP)
- Principles of Taxonomy and Zoological Nomenclature (Program in Systematics, Animal Taxonomy, and Biodiversity, MZUSP)
Alunos/Pós-doutores do laboratório
Luciana Ribeiro Martins (pós-doutoranda, MZUSP)
Daniel José Marcondes Lima (pós-doutorando, UFF/MZUSP)
Leina Moura Carneiro Carvalho (doutoranda em Sistemática, Taxonomia Animal e Biodiversidade, MZUSP)
Fábio Marcelo da Costa Junior (mestrando em Sistemática, Taxonomia Animal e Biodiversidade, MZUSP)
Maria Catarina de Alencar (mestranda em Sistemática, Taxonomia Animal e Biodiversidade, MZUSP)
Publicações selecionadas
Alitto, et al., 2019. Atlantic West Ophiothrix spp. in the scope of integrative taxonomy: confirming the existence of Ophiothrix trindadensis Tommasi, 1970. PLoS One 14: 1–28.
Lima, D.; Tavares, M. & Mendonça Jr. J.B. 2019. Paguroids (Decapoda: Anomura: Diogenidae and Paguridae) of the remote oceanic Archipelago Trindade and Martin Vaz, off southeast Brazil, with new records, description of three new species and zoogeographical notes. Zootaxa Monographs 4694: 1-63.
Pachelle, P. & Tavares, M. 2018. The freshwater shrimp family Euryrhynchidae Holthuis, 1950 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridoa) revisited, with a taxonomic revision of the genus Euryrhynchus Miers, 1878. Zootaxa 4380: 1–110.
Guinot, D.; Tavares, M.; & Castro, P. 2013. Significance of the sexual openings and supplementary structures on the phylogeny of the brachyuran crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura), with new nomina for higher-ranked podotreme taxa. Zootaxa Monographs 3665(1): 1-414.
Tavares, M.; Cleva, R. 2010. Trichopeltariidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura), a new family and superfamily of Eubrachyuran crabs with description of one new genus and five new species. Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 50: 97-157.
Guinot, D. & Tavares, M. 2001. Une Nouvelle famille de Crabes du Crétacé, et la notion de Podotremata Guinot, 1977 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura). Zoosystema 23(3): 547-578.
Tavares, M. 1998. Phyllotymolinidae, nouvelle famille de Brachyoures Podotremata (Crustacea, Decapoda). Zoosystema 20(1): 109-122.