Scholarships in Brazil
There are three main funders of Master’s Degree, Doctoral Degree, and Direct Doctoral Degree Scholarships

CAPES – Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel
The program has institutional grants from CAPES. We remind you that it is possible that there are no institutional grants for all candidates who are approved in the admission exam. The enrollment may be made regardless of the scholarship offer, provided that the candidate has been approved considering the number of seats stipulated in the admission exam’s call for applications, and has the supervision of a researcher accredited in the program. The scholarship award order is defined by the scholarship committee, composed by members of the Program Coordinating Committee, based on the final grade obtained by the student in the admission process and the date of enrollment.

FAPESP - Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo
The agency offers scholarships based on merit judgment according to individual requests submitted by student and supervisor. For information on the agency’s scholarship application process, click here.

CNPq – National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
The agency offers scholarships per quota to institutions, graduate programs, or researchers (supervisors). At the moment, the Program does not have any quota from this agency, but some supervisors may have scholarships’ quotas linked to their current research aid. For information on the agency’s scholarship process, click here.
Scholarships abroad
Students in the program are encouraged to take an internship period abroad (sandwich) during their Master’s Degree, Doctoral Degree, and Direct Doctoral Degree courses. There are currently two types of sandwich scholarship financing abroad.

Print – Institutional Internationalization Program (CAPES)
Print is a CAPES program that aims to encourage the development of strategic plans for internationalization at universities of recognized scientific excellence. The Program is a participant of this program, in the line “Translational plant and animal sciences”. Currently, only the “Sandwich Doctoral Degree” category is made available by the agency. Requests for this type of scholarship must be made at specific periods of the year, according to calls for applications that are periodically published. For more information, click here.

BEPE – Research Internships Abroad (FAPESP)
Aimed exclusively at postgraduate researchers who already have a FAPESP grant in the country, this modality supports the realization of short and medium term research internships abroad. Requests must be submitted by the student and supervisor and are judged individually according to merit. The requests are received in continuous flow by the agency. For information about BEPE, click here.

CNPq – National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
The agency offers scholarships per quota to institutions, graduate programs, or researchers (supervisors). At the moment, the Program does not have any quota from this agency, but some supervisors may have scholarships’ quotas linked to their current research aid. For information on the agency’s scholarship process, click here.