Accreditation and re-accreditation

Accreditation and re-accreditation

Applications for accreditation and recreation must include at least the following documents:

(1) letter addressed to the program coordinator or to the Graduate Degree Committee objectively indicating their qualifications to work or continue working with the program

(2) updated copy of Curriculum Lattes or Curriculum Vitae (in the case of foreign applicants without a Curriculum Lattes yet).

These documents should preferably be sent in digital format to the STBio Office ( The CPG shall express its views on the application after deliberation and, where appropriate, consult rapporteurs. The decision about the accreditation or re-accreditation of a supervisor will be based on his/her academic performance, detailed in the excellence of his/her scientific production in the area of Systematics, Animal Taxonomy, and Biodiversity and the coordination and/or participation in funded research projects

Full Supervisors

The accreditation as a full supervisor is valid for a period of three years and may be renewed. If there is no interest in renewing the accreditation or the re-accreditation is not approved, the supervisor may conclude the ongoing supervisions.

For full accreditation, supervisors must meet the following criteria:

1) Master’s Degree Level: the interested party must have been the author in the last 5 (five) years of at least 5 (five) publications (articles, or books, or book chapters), being at least 3 (three) scientific articles in journals with an Impact Factor (IF) of at least 0.5 in the area of Animal Systematics and Taxonomy, Evolutionary Biology, or Biodiversity.
2) Doctoral Degree Level: in addition to the criteria listed for accreditation at master’s degree level, the interested party must also have teaching experience, in the form of graduate degree courses at recognized educational institutions.

2) Proposal of graduate degree course

For full re-accreditation, in addition to items 1 and 2 above, the following points will also be considered:

  1. a) The supervisor must have taught course(s) in the Graduate Program in Systematics, Animal Taxonomy, and Biodiversity in the last period of accreditation.
    b) The percentage of alumni without title (evasion) in the period of the last accreditation, which should not exceed 50% of the total number of supervisions in the period (concluded and in progress). If there are evasions below this limit, re-accreditation is possible, but it is recommended that justifications be provided for each case at the time of application.
    c) The existence of at least one publication in collaboration with students or alumni from the Program in the last 5 years. This criterion will not be considered in cases of first re-accreditation.

Specific Supervisors

The supervision can be specific to a particular student. The application for accreditation as a specific supervisor must be made before the admission exam, and if approved by the CCP, it will take effect from the student’s date of enrollment after approval in the admission exam. External supervisors to USP will be preferably accredited as specific.

For accreditation of specific supervisors will be considered:

  1. a) The first accreditation will preferably be specific.
    b) The applicant for specific accreditation may supervise a maximum of 2 master’s degree students. Only one doctoral degree student will be allowed to receive specific supervision.
    c) For specific accreditation, the interested party must have been the author in the last 5 (five) years of at least 3 (three) publications (articles, or books, or book chapters), being at least 2 (two) scientific articles in journals with an Impact Factor (IF) of at least 0.5 in the area of Animal Systematics and Taxonomy, Evolutionary Biology or Biodiversity.


For accreditation of Master’s degree and Doctoral degree co-supervisors will be considered:

  1. a) The deadline for the accreditation as a co-supervisor in the Master’s degree course will be 19 (nineteen) months from the student’s first enrollment.
    b) The deadline for the accreditation as a co-supervisor in the doctoral degree or direct doctoral degree course will be 38 (thirty-eight) months from the student’s first enrollment.
    c) The same minimum scientific production criteria used for the accreditation of full supervisors will be used for the accreditation of co-supervisors.
    d) A detailed justification evidencing the complementarity of the co-supervisor’s performance in relation to the supervisor in the student’s research project must be presented.

For accreditation as a co-supervisor the interested applicant must submit a letter requesting accreditation as a co-supervisor, with brief justification of the contribution he/she will make in co-supervising the student’s project, updated curriculum Lattes and student’s project in PDF format to the email

For more detailed information on accreditation and re-accreditation as a Program’s supervisor, please refer to the full Regulations and Bylaws available in the links below: